Currently, health experts and nutrition rabâchent us to eat healthy, it must Eat 5 fruits and vegetables per day, do 30min of moderate exercise daily and eat neither too fat nor too sweet.
However, a terrible truth is forced upon us: 33% to 66% of people who lost weight on resume, with a bonus of 3 to 5 years.
And if there were any tricks to lose your weight and stabilize? And if we could get a listing of these tips to stick to our fridge?
I am drawn to you.

Consider the future:
Above all, the key is to design what we wait for our food balances.
Thus it is necessary to create goals:
- How many cm kg or less?
- How many weeks of diet do?
- What size I want to wear?
We also need to consider the steps that will be tricky: family dinners, pot office, wedding, enjoy children, mothers day ... Then think about how we will overcome them and to answer three fundamental questions: what means will I implement to overcome this challenge? what do I need to get there but also to feel good? when I succeeded, I will feel that?
Not deprive any
The diet is not the only way to lose weight, it is even widely recommended. We have to deal with nutrient inputs we need and we especially patience.
Thus, a simple method of one year may be applied: reduce the daily diet of only 100 calories or spend 100 more. In fact, less than 100 calories is equivalent to 365 days loss 5kilos the year. If we combine the removal of 100 calories and 100 calories increase, it doubles the result is to say a loss of 10 pounds per year.
From a nutritional point of view, it requires choosing the right foods to have sufficient intake: vegetables, fruits, legumes, lean protein, dairy products, low-fat ...
Eliminate 100 calories per day is added, about 20 minutes walk, 10 minutes of jogging, 30 minutes of household chores, or 15 minutes of exercise at home.
Ingest 100 calories less per day is: choose to eat bread instead of a croissant, cheese and yogurt make lighter, remove the skin from chicken, eating sorbet instead of ice cream, make a vinaigrette more light ...
So many little things that bring you the final result was well appreciated!
Weigh yourself every day:
At all times and in all regimes, it is assené the terrible truth: let us stop weighing yourself every day, this should not become an obsession. And if instead of being an obsession, it become a means of checking weight and balance its power to stabilize its weight?
British researchers conducted a study in which participants were asked to practice a technique called self-regulation. They had to weigh every day and assess whether it was necessary to adjust their diet or level of exercise daily. The goal was to maintain their weight with a margin of 2.5 kilos.
At the end of this study, people weighing every day were twice as likely to maintain their weight than the control group, which did not weigh every day.
The results of this study are very impressive: 45% of those who weighed daily against 28% of those in the control group were able to not take more 2.5kilos over a period of 18 months. If this method of self-regulation was added group meetings, we obtained 54% success rate.
Checking weight every day is not the only solution, but it allows you to adjust your eating habits and daily exercise to maintain her weight.
A U.S. study of 4650 women aged 40 to 65 also confirms that women weighing every day are not more depressed than others.
So to hell with the stereotype of the balance in the closet! We serve as a tool for loss and weight stabilization and not as a vehicle of evil!
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